Respond to urgent Medical Relief
Al-Majd Association for Development responded to urgent Medical Relief: Providing Medicines, Medical Disposables and Fuel for Hospitals in the Gaza Strip
The healthcare system in the Gaza Strip is on the brink of total collapse and needs urgent action from the international community if it is to survive its current crises, medical charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) warned. Recent statistics prepared by UN health cluster indicated the amount of money needed to refill the shortages in the medicines and medical disposables for the hospitals in the Gaza Strip is over 9million$.
The health sector in Gaza relies on donated fuel to run backup electricity generators in order to sustain minimum critical health services. Every month, approximately $500,000 is needed to purchase fuel for emergency generators in order to sustain 58 hospitals and critical health facilities.
The MOH has initiated drastic measures to rationalize the remaining fuel supplies: Key services in the 14 public hospitals, such as elective surgery, sterilization and diagnostic services continue to work at reduced capacity. In August, the waiting time for elective surgery was 56 weeks, which is well beyond the Ministry of Health (MoH) threshold of 24 weeks.
Delays of necessary medical interventions may involve a prolonged period of suffering and ill health, and affects the psychological and social life of the patient. In some cases, this can trigger further medical complications.
Al-Majd Association for Development has responded to these crises, rising from its mission to support the Palestinians in need, it implemented a project of providing medication, medical disposables and fuel for various healthcare centers and hospitals in all govern orates in the Gaza Strip.
This project serves thousands beneficiaries and tens of hospitals all over Gaza strip, solves major crisis and relieves hospital burdens.