HANIN a 13-year-old orphan girl from Khan Younes
HANIN a 13-year-old orphan girl from Khan Younes
Hanin lives with her seven-membered family; her mother, three brothers, and two sisters. Hanin’s married brother along with his family all live together in the same house. The mother is unemployed so the family does not have a steady source of income, and they mainly rely on social welfare which they receive every 4 months along with charity aids to provide for their daily lives.
Hanin is in the fourth grade. She studies in a public school, to which he goes on foot since it closed to her home. She loves studying but her performance in school is average, and to enhance it she takes extra tuition lessons in her basic school subjects that cost around 30GBP a month.
Hanin is quite healthy. However, her mother suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, her condition requires constant medical care, and her medications cost around 50GBP a month.
Al Majd Association for Development sponsors Hanin and her family, along with tens of families in the Gaza strip, this will ensure for those families to have suitable and humanitarian life and will enable them to provide food, medication, and education.