RAWAN a 7-year-old orphan girl from Khan Younes
Rawan lives with her family that is composed of eight members; her mother, two sisters, and four brothers. The family does not have a steady source of income as the mother is unemployed and doesn’t have a job, and so they mainly rely on social welfare and charity aids in their daily lives and their daily needs. The family faces a very hard life as the father has passed away, it is hard for both the mother and the children.
Rawan is in the kindergarten she goes there on foot as it is located near her home, she enjoys painting and playing with her toys, and she also loves playing with her sibling and neighbors.
Rawan and her family all enjoy good health; no one suffers from any health problem.
Al Majd Association for Development sponsors Rawan and her family, along with tens of families in the Gaza strip, this will ensure for those families to have suitable and humanitarian life and will enable them to provide food, medication, and education.