HILMI, 17 years old from Khan Yunis
Hilmi is in the 10th grade. He studies in a public school located in his city, to which he goes through transportation that costs around 20GBP a month. Hilmi is a good student and has very good grades in his school subjects. Hilmi's hobbies include watching videos online and reading. He has a dream of becoming a teacher when he grows up in which he aspires to help others.
He lives in Khan Yunis city southern Gaza Strip along with his family that is composed of ten members. Two of his siblings are in college which adds pressure on this breadwinner-free family. The family lives in a modest house that is composed of three rooms, a kitchen, and a living room. The father is jobless due to the high unemployment rate in Gaza Strip. As a result, the family does not have a steady source of income to depend on in their daily lives, and they mainly depend on charity aids for support in order to cover their daily needs.
Hilmi suffers from cerebral palsy that affected his mobility and ability to walk normally. As a result, he needs an electric wheelchair to move. His brother suffers from the same conditions, and they both attend physiotherapy sessions that cost around 40GBP a week. Their condition also dictates they have special needs, which would come to a total cost of around 70GBP.
Al Majd Association for Development sponsors Hilmi and his family, along with tens of families in the Gaza strip, this will ensure for those families to have suitable and humanitarian life and will enable them to provide food, medication, and education.